Children's Ministry
Growing Christian Leaders

Sunday School
Use the links below to access a Sunday school lesson you can do with your child at home. You can also include these lessons as a part of your home school curriculum. Lessons may include activities, songs, and links to great books.
Please click to access our children's ministry Facebook page.

Nursery care is provided during Sunday school and during our Sunday 9:30 AM worship service until 10:30 AM. You can trust your child into the wonderful care of Lindsey Monterroso, our nursery attendant, where they will have a snack, hear a story, play, and maybe sneak in a nap. Growing Christian Leaders starts from the earliest stages of life and we hope you will bring your little one down to visit our wonderful nursery.

325 N.E. Damson Ave.
College Place, WA. 99324
Office hours:
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday