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The Robin House

This house, named after the late Rev. Robin Peterson, is dedicated to providing at no cost, a place for cancer patients to stay as they undergo cancer treatments at our local Providence Regional Cancer Center.

The Robin House

Ed Freepons' memorial


This scholarship program has been helping students pursue higher education since 1994 and has, since then, awarded $400,000 in scholarships. This scholarship was named after the late

Ed Freepons, a highly respected and long time educator here in Walla Walla.  Click on the button below to access our scholarship application forms.

E. Freepons Scholarship

Children's Ministry

The children's ministry program at CPPC also offers nursery care during worship services, a Sunday School program for children ages PreK-5, the child mystery box with the pastor, children's church during the sermon as well as many other family events throughout the year.  There are many ways to get involved.  We truly hope you will join us.  

Our new addition to his page are bible school lessons you can do at home.  Please click below to learn more.  Our lessons will include links to songs, videos, books, and activities.  They are also suitable to incorporate into your home schooling curriculum.  

For info on our vacation bible school, click on the button above.  Join us this summer on August 5th, 6th, and 7th.   
It's gonna be FUN !!

Children's Ministry

Youth Ministry

Our youth ministry currently offers Junior and Senior High Youth groups which meet every Sunday evening, led by our pastor, Doug Hayes.  Please contact our office for further information on time and location.  Call 509.529.3210 or email us at  There are plenty of ways to help out in this wonderful area of ministry.

Youth Ministry

Adult Christian Education

We offer at least two adult Christian Education classes available on Sunday morning. Click below for more information about our current classes.

Adult Christian Education

Ladies' Night

Ladies Night happens the fourth Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM at the church,  unless otherwise noted. We do a variety of activities from crafts, to games, to community service projects.  Please consider joining us for fun and fellowship.

Ladies' Night

Men's Breakfast fellowship

The men of the church gather for a breakfast on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 7:30 AM in the church fellowship hall.  All men are welcome.  Please come and join us for a great meal, good conversation, and prayer.

Men's Breakfast Fellowship
Retired Potluck Luncheon

"Retired or

Wish You were" Potluck luncheon

Even if you only aspire to be retired, we would love for you to join us at our monthly potluck luncheon, the third Thursday of every month at noon.  Bring a dish to share, enjoy fellowship, and make some new friends.

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325 N.E. Damson Ave.

College Place, WA. 99324


Office hours:

11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

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